
How to Transfer a Liquor Licence NSW

How to transfer your liquor license



Transferring your liquor license is not a lengthy or complicated process, the steps outlined below walk you through what you need to do.



Transfer of your liquor licence


You can transfer a liquor licence when you buy or sell a business. This allows the new business owner to trade under the existing licence.

Liquor & Gaming NSW allow a business to continue operating while it considers a licence transfer.  Provisional approval is usually given and the official confirmation of the transfer with follow later.

The licence transfer does not become effective until Liquor & Gaming NSW give provisional approval.

There are 4 ways you can transfer a licence but transferring with consent of the outgoing licensee is the most common.

Transfer your licence with consent of outgoing licensee

This is a straightforward process for both individuals and corporations.
Transferring a liquor licence this way takes two steps:

• provisional approval
• confirmation.

How to apply for provisional approval

You must give Liquor & Gaming NSW the following inforamtion:

• Evidence of Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) qualifications.

• If required, evidence of Responsible Conduct of Gambling (RCG) qualification.
(not relevant to cafes)

• If the liquor licence includes gaming machine entitlements, you will also need to provide a direct debit form and data monitoring forms to show there are no outstanding payments. (not relevant to cafes)

• A copy of your NSW National Police Certificate that is less than 3 months old.

• Corporate licensees must provide a current ASIC extract showing directors and officeholders. You can buy this document through the ASIC website

Liquor & Gaming NSW usually confirm your licence transfer within 60 days.


Please note that fees vary depending on the type of licence you want to transfer.

Online transfers

To complete the online form you will need to download and complete by clicking the button below, once you have filled it out you can submit it using the instructions on the form.

How to Transfer a Liquor Licence NSW
