
Anthony Manks

Hospitality Consultant & Licensed Business Broker (NSW)

Central Coast NSW

0439 877 717


I knew I was destined for a career in hospitality from the age of 15 when I went door knocking at all the hospitality venues in my area on the northern beaches of Sydney. I was passionate and looking for a job as an apprentice chef. All I wanted to do was cook.  With my apprenticeship completed I embarked on a very satisfying and successful career.  Fast forward to 2022, it became time to get out of the kitchen and away from the counter and put all my knowledge into helping others achieve their dreams.

I’ve spent over two decades on the Central Coast excelling in the competitive world of hospitality, establishing a reputation as a well-respected and innovative businessman.

Having built, operated and sold a number of successful hospitality businesses on the Central Coast, I have an absolute understanding of the inner workings of the day to day commitment that is required to achieve outstanding results in hospitality. I have owned, in particular, but not limited to, cafes, seafood takeaways, chicken, burger and kebab outlets, as well as creating a boutique range of seafood chowders, broths, bisques and bouillabaisse, sold at both markets and retail outlets.

My dedication to community and desire to help other businesses stay connected with each other and their customers, resulted in me establishing a Local Small Business Network in 2012. Ten years on and to this day it still exists, and is the foundation of many hospitality forums. This enabled me to obtain an even greater understanding of how other successful operators conducted their businesses and allowed me to develop my own network of contacts within the Central Coast hospitality family.

As a Central Coast local I have intimate knowledge of the people, the area and the market and a strong ambition to make owning and selling your own business an achievable outcome for all.