Coffee Roasters in Canberra
This page has been added to our website to showcase local Coffee Roasters in Canberra and to help café buyers and existing cafe owners to become more aware of the options available to them locally.
We have added this page as we often asked for suggestions and recommendations from people buying cafes in Canberra as well as existing operators who may be shopping around for a new bean or better deal.
The roasters listed on this page are all companies that either we have worked with ourselves or that our clients work with currently.
It is quite likely that whoever you chose as your coffee roaster they are going to become one of your biggest suppliers so you need to make sure that you feel that you can work long term with them and that they will support you on an ongoing basis.
Whilst we are a great advocates for driving margins and reducing food costs wherever possible the question of the price per kilo should be lower down your list of questions when speaking to roasters.
In our opinion it is far more important to focus on quality and to see how you feel that you will be able to work together to grow your business, after all the better you do the better the roaster will do.
Many roasters will help you out with equipment, training and branding in return for agreeing to buy from them for a certain period of time, currently this seems to range from 1-3 years.
One of the best things that we can suggest for you to do is to go and visit all of the roasters that you are considering. Meet with the owners, sales reps and roasters themselves and get to know the company, decide whether they are the type of company that you can see yourself working with long term.
Once you have visited a few roasters and of course tasted more espresso than you thought possible then you can start thinking about price.
In most cases the price per kilo will not vary greatly between like for like roasters, you should really be motivated by taste of the coffee and your feel for the company when making your final decision.
As coffee is likely to be one of the mainstays of your business and your customers will vote with their feet if it is not good enough then opting for an inferior bean to save a couple of dollars per kilo will hurt the top line more than it will help the bottom line.
I hope this page helps you become more aware of some of the many great Coffee Roasters in Canberra that you have to choose from, if you have any questions, comments or feedback please feel free to get in touch with us at anytime.
Seven Miles Coffee Roasters
At Seven Miles we love coffee and we’re committed to roasting the very best.
From sourcing outstanding green beans to monitoring extraction flow rates, we partner with our customers because we genuinely care about their business and want to see them flourish.
Based in Manly Vale on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and with micro-roasteries throughout Australia, we are constantly searching for new ways to bring coffee to life whilst embracing the wisdom and knowledge of our industry experts.
Our Fyshwick facility includes roasting, training and equipment support for our local Canberra wholesale customers and by utilising our national facilities we are able to offer both small batch and larger scale roasting to meet the needs of the market.
From the micro-roastery in Fyshwick, we roast and blend Black Mountaincoffee weekly to make sure you’ve always got coffee at peak freshness.
Our team is made up of an eclectic mix of award winning roasters, international judges, Q Graders, Barista Champions and experienced café owners, all sharing their expertise and working together to produce sensational coffee.
Seven Miles Micro-Roastery Canberra
23 Whyalla Street, Fyshwick, ACT 2609
1300 132 507
Ona Coffee
68 Wollongong St,
Fyshwick ACT 2603
ONA Coffee is an Australian specialty coffee company founded by 2015 World Barista Champion, Saša Šestić.
Originating from Canberra and now distributing across Australia and the world, ONA Coffee seeks to share a love of quality coffee and flavour while reinforcing values of community and family.
Air Roasters
Unit 1 / 94 Bayldon Road,
Queanbeyan, NSW, 2620
Lonsdale Street Roasters
Lonsdale Street Roasters Use A Diedrich Roaster With Infrared Burners, Delivering Precise Even Heat & Airflow When Roasting. This In Turn Allows Us To Manipulate Heat, Air & Time To Extract The True Flavour & Character Of Each Origin.
The Beans We Roast Have Been Scientifically Proven To Provide Good Vibes & Feelings Of Wellbeing.*
*May or may not be based on science & or facts.
(02) 6108 3661
4/23 Lonsdale Street Braddon ACT